Michela is the Stakeholder Manager for BlueFloat Energy in Italy for Kailia, Odra and Minervia projects and is responsible for working with stakeholders to meet community expectations and to support consenting team in the process of obtaining environmental approvals.

Prior to joining BlueFloat Energy, Michela worked in the energy industry across generation, distribution and transmission. Michela led the stakeholder engagement team for Trans Adriatic Pipeline, part of the Southern Gas Corridor, transporting natural gas to Europe from the Shah Deniz II field in Azerbaijan. She worked closely with institutional stakeholders, community and landowners and oversaw all elements of communications, media and engagement.

Michela has a long experience in communications and stakeholder engagement in a whole variety of sectors, beyond energy industry.

Michela holds a Communications Degree from the University of Trieste and a Master’s  in e-commerce and online communication from Profingest (Bologna).

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