Insights from the “Floating Offshore Wind Community Report”: Italy’s Potential in Offshore Wind


Carlos Martin Rivals

Italy holds an enormous potential for the advancement of the offshore wind industry as demonstrated by the “Floating Offshore Wind Community Report” developed in the context of the “The Floating Offshore Wind Community” launched last year by The European House-Ambrosetti, BlueFloat Energy, Nadara , FINCANTIERI and Acciaierie d’Italia S.p.A. in A.S.. It was a pleasure for me to participate in the public launch of this report in Rome last Friday, attended by 50 industry leaders and high-level representatives from government and institutions.

BlueFloat Energy together with our partner Nadara as well as FINCANTIERI and Acciaierie d’Italia S.p.A. in A.S. kicked off the activities of the Floating Offshore Wind Community last year, steered by The European House-Ambrosetti, which sought to set the record straight with regards to the 10 myths associated with the deployment of #FloatingOffshoreWind in Italy and evidence the role that this rapidly-evolving technology is set to play in addressing Italy’s energy security needs whilst ensuring a steady economic growth and the revitalization of the industry.

Italy is a strategic market for BlueFloat Energy, and for over three years, we have been actively developing projects in Puglia, Sardegna, and Calabria with our partner Nadara. Whilst still nascent in Italy, the offshore wind industry is poised to become a key sector of the Italian economy, bringing socioeconomic and environmental benefits at the local, regional, and national levels. The conclusions of this study endorse our vision for floating offshore deployment in Italy, now backed by the academic research and hard data highlighting the scale of the opportunity.

🔹 Offshore wind is rapidly growing as a key driver in the global decarbonization process. Global offshore wind capacity installed by the end of the last decade amounts to 63 GW and the plans for the next decade are to reach 220 GW of planned capacity with up to 630 GW by 2050. Traditionally constrained to shallow waters of 40-60m depth, offshore wind now has the opportunity to expand to previously untapped areas due to the technological advances of floating technology. Projections suggest a 70% cost reduction for floating offshore wind by the next decade, with a fourfold increase in global capacity by 2030.

🔹 The Mediterranean region offers a unique opportunity for Italy to lead the way in offshore wind due to its strategic location and favourable conditions for commercial-scale deployment of floating technology. Italy’s proximity to neighbouring countries with ambitious offshore wind projects, such as France, Spain, and Greece, positions it as a key player in the region’s green transition. Italy’s central location in the Mediterranean allows it to serve both domestic and international markets, with the potential to revitalize key industries and contribute to the new economy.

However, swift action is needed to create a robust and favourable policy framework for the development of floating wind projects in the country:

  • clear government objectives and commitment,
  • transparent rules,
  • a streamlined authorization process,
  • maritime concession certainty, and
  • a well-defined and sustainable route to market.

Setting realistic long-term goals and clear interim targets is essential for Italy to gain credibility and establish itself as a reference point in the offshore wind sector, attracting the necessary levels of investment.

🔹 BlueFloat Energy’s commitment to the Italian offshore market.

As a pioneer in floating offshore wind technology with a diverse portfolio and expertise of over 8 GW of floating wind projects in Spain, southern France, and Italy, BlueFloat Energy offers its unique Mediterranean perspective to help policy-makers and industry representatives navigate the challenges of this emerging industry in Italy. We stand ready to collaborate with Italian authorities, promoting partnerships with other nations and regions in shared waters, and attracting investors to position Italy as a prominent player in this emerging industry.

To delve into the specifics, read the Community Floating Offshore Wind Report:

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